My Drain Company Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater Repair’

Signs to Look for with Water Heater Repair

Monday, March 31st, 2014

Water heaters tend to be the silent heroes of the household: doing their jobs anonymously and in silence while tucked away in some forgotten corner. They’re designed to last for many years, but when problems arise, they tend to be large ones. Water heater repair in Northridge can handle most significant problems, but they can’t get to work until they know that something’s wrong. You can help if you understand the signs to look for with water heater repair, and check your unit regularly to see if you can spot them.

Did you now that My Drain Company handles water heater repair in Northridge? We’re absolutely dedicated to your complete satisfaction. Pick up the phone and call us today!

  • Strange noises. Noise can include humming, rumblings, strange gurgling noises or drips akin to leaks. The sources of the sounds can vary wildly. Gurgling noises, for instance, likely come from water moving through sediment built up in the bottom of the tank, while loud pops suggest problems with the heating components inside the tank itself.
  • Leaks. This one is a bit of a no brainer. If you spot puddles of water around the base of your heater, or along any of the lines leading to and from the tank, there’s a significant problem. A leaking tank usually means you have to replace the whole unit, though leaks around other components may only necessitating changing them out (or perhaps just adjusting their fittings). In any case, a trained technician can examine the heater and determine the best course of action.
  • The water. Water from your tap can provide some important clues on the state of your water heater. For instance, if it appears rusty or muddy, if it struggles to heat up, or if it has a strange metallic taste to it, that could indicate problems with your heater. (It could also stem from issues elsewhere in your plumbing, which is why a trained expert should be called in.)

Now that you know what signs to look for with water heater repair, you can respond by calling My Drain Company to get to the bottom of the problem.

Common Water Heater Problems

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

From hot showers, and laundry, to cooking and dishes, your water heater is one of the most-used appliances in your home. All the use that it gets can cause you to develop a number of common problems. My Drain Company Inc provides total water heater repair services in Glendale, CA and we wanted to share some of the most common issues that homeowners face with their water heater. Call us today if you’re having any of the issues below.

Water Heater Repair in Glendale, CA

  • Leaks – Make sure that you check the area around your water heater for dried water spots, puddles, or dripping water. If you see any of these, call for water heater repair immediately. Water heater leaks can waste a lot of water and, if they get too severe, they can actually damage your home. Common leaks could happen from the valves and gaskets leading into and out of your water heater.
  • Noises – Rumbling water heaters are a pretty common occurrence and they often are the result of mineral deposits and sediment collecting on the bottom of the tank. The layer of minerals or sediment causes the formation of bubbles from the heat from the burner which causes the rumbling noise. In order to fix this, your plumber will drain the tank and clean it out.
  • Rust – If you start to get rust-colored hot water in your home it likely means that your water heater is rusted on the inside. There is a metal rod inside your tank water heater that absorbs all of the small electrical currents in the water that cause rust. If this sacrificial rod deteriorates completely and it isn’t replaced, it can allow the inside of your tank to rust quickly. This issue usually can’t be fixed and often requires the replacement of the water heater.

Call My Drain Company Inc for professional water heater repair services in Glendale, CA. We’re available 24/7 for water heater problems so call us anytime.